Gray & Sam - Pine Valley Engagements

I make a music playlist for my engagement sessions based off of the questionnaire I send to my couples. During this particular shoot, I squatted down and my phone popped out of my pocket. I didn’t realize for at least 20 minutes until I went to go change the song. My phone is linked up to a portable bluetooth speaker that I bring. We spent a good-ish 10 minutes looking around the areas we think we were in that time looking around for it. I thought it was a lost cause and said I would just come back the following day with a metal detector. After I made up my mind that was what I was going to do, Grayson looked down and BAM my phone! So now I leave it next to the speaker on my camera bag.

Pine Valley is just a 45 minutes north of Saint George, they have a little reservoir you can fish in. In the winter they have places to sledding, and the summer they have campgrounds. I LOVE going up there to escape the heat, and play in the trees. Or frolic in the field like we did for this session.